La recaudación de fondos de Skating Plus es el viernes por la noche. #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Familias, los informes de progreso van a casa el viernes. Por favor, asegúrese de preguntar a su estudiante por su informe. #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Families, progress reports are going home on Friday. Please make sure to ask your student for his/her report. #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
#GreenJHS Counselor, Dr. Gomez, @ Coffee w/ Principal/Café Con la Directora
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Noticias del la escuela Green: Por favor únase a nosotros el martes. 10/09 en la cafetería para CAFÉ CON EL PRINCIPAL de 5-6pm. ¡La Dr. Gómez compartirá con nosotros la fórmula secreta y consejos sobre cómo ayudar a su hijo a ser lo mejor que pueda!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Please join us tomorrow evening in the Cafeteria for COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL from 5-6pm. Dr. Gomez will be sharing the secret formula with us and tips on how to help your child be the best they can be! #hespride #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Noticias de la escuela Green: RECORDATOR lunes, 8 de agosto de 18 es un día de entrenamiento para los maestros de #GreenJHS. La escuela NO estará en sesión. La escuela regresará en sesión el martes 10/9/18. #HesdPride #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: REMINDER that on Monday 10/08/18 school will not be in session due to a scheduled training day for #GreenJHS teachers. School will be back in session on Tuesday 10/9/18. #HesdPride #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Noticias de la escuela Green: RECORDATOR lunes, 8 de agosto de 18 es un día de entrenamiento para los maestros de #GreenJHS. La escuela NO estará en sesión. La escuela regresará en sesión el martes 10/9/18. #HesdPride #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Noticias del la escuela Green: Por favor únase a nosotros el martes. 10/09 en la cafetería para CAFÉ CON EL PRINCIPAL de 5-6pm. ¡La Dr. Gómez compartirá con nosotros la fórmula secreta y consejos sobre cómo ayudar a su hijo a ser lo mejor que pueda!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: REMINDER Monday 10/08/18 is a training day for #GreenJHS teachers. School will NOT be in session. School will be back in session on Tuesday 10/9/18. #HesdPride #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Please join us on Tues. 10/09 in the Cafeteria for COFFEE WITH THE PRINCIPAL from 5-6pm. Dr. Gomez will be sharing the secret formula with us and tips on how to help your child be the best they can be!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Tomorrow, Friday 09/28 is a minimum day. The instructional day will end at 1:00 and ASES will immediately follow. #GreenJHS #HornetPride #HesdPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Parents please join us in the cafeteria at 6:30 pm during this Thursday's Back to School Night for a brief informational meeting on how to download the district/school app. #GreenJHS #HornetPride #Hesdpride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Smart Phones
CORRECTION Hornet Hive Update: All are welcome! PTSA Meeting tomorrow, 09/25 @ 4:30 p.m. #GreenJHS Library
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
CORRECTION Hornet Hive Update: Don't forget! Bring your child's schedule for Back-to-School Night Thu. 09/27. Food @ 5 p.m., classrooms @ 5:30 parent meetings 6:30.
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Early Dismissal Friday, 1 p.m., all grades for teacher Professional Development. #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Tomorrow will be a Non-Uniform General Dress day. Tomorrow is also picture day. Come dressed to impress and refer to your agenda for General Dress policies. #hesdpride #HornetPride #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Picture Day
6th Grade DLI Students at #GreenJHS were given a homemade Peace Chair. Their RJ Circles will be extra special now! #restorativepractices #sel #Hesdpride #GreenJHS #HornetPride #Peace
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
6th Grade DLI Peace Chair
6th Grade Hornets- all are welcome to attend Book Club from 7:15-7:45 in Mrs.Davis's room on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting today. Bring your book, get cozy, and enjoy a good read to start your day off right! #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover