Hornet Hive Update: Green Gear has arrived! PTSA will be pulling 6th and 7th grade orders and delivering them ASAP! 8th grade shirts/gear will follow shortly. Thanks for your patience! #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Hornet Hive Update: It's Spirit Week at Green! Tuesday:  Green, for responsibility Wednesday:  Orange, for fairness Thursday:  Red, for caring Friday:  Yellow, for respect Please show your school spirit by rocking the assigned colors each day! #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Mañana tendremos un simulacro de cierre de escuela (Lockdown). Padres y alumnos no podrán ingresar o salir de la escuela durante el simulacro que durará 15 min. Y ocurrirá entre las 9 y 11am. Gracias #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Marisol Guillen
Hornet Hive Safety Alert: Lockdown DRILL scheduled for tomorrow morning between 9-11 a.m. No one allowed to check students in/out at that time. Thanks for helping to keep your child and our school safe. #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
El VIERNES 10/26 es un día de vestimenta no-uniforme para todos los estudiantes que hayan devuelto los Formularios Federales a su maestro de primer período mañana a la mañana. Consulte su agenda para las reglas de vestimenta general. #GreenJHs #HESDPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
FRIDAY 10/26 is a free dress day for all students who have returned completed Federal Forms to their 1st period teacher by tomorrow morning.Teachers will be handing out wrist bands to students who qualify.Please refer to your agenda for Gen. Dress guidelines. #GreenJHS #HESDPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Tomorrow is a minimum day for staff professional development. The school day will end at 1pm. Please plan accordingly and have a great weekend! #GreenJHS #HornetPride #HesdPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Las ordenes de camisetas y sweaters llegaran hasta el 30 de octubre. Gracias por su paciencia. #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Hornet Hive Update: Green Gear is due to arrive on 10/30. Thanks for your patience with this new vendor. #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Hornet Hive Update: Reminder, Thursday 10/18 is your last chance to support our Ukulele Club! Sweatshirts are $27 and t-shirts are $13 and available in a variety of sizes and colors. Order here: http://5il.co/58x3 #HesdPride #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
#GreenJHS ASB Skating Plus night is hopping! Thanks, Mr. Arthur for supporting our students!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Mr.Arthur brought his daughter and made skate night a family event.
La escuela Sabatina se cancela por falta de matriculacionese studiantes. No escuela Sabatina octubre 13, 2018
over 6 years ago, Javier Torres
#GreenJHS los estudiantes que acumularon GPA promedio de 3.0 o mas alto reciben un dia de no uniforme el lunes 15 de octubre. A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 agan acumulen los puntos y dividan por 5. El resultado es el GPA. Favor de traer la boleta de calificacion firmada por los padres.
over 6 years ago, Javier Torres
#GreenJHS 3.0 students have non-uniform dress Monday with a parent-signed progress report. A = 4 pts., B = 3 pts., C = 2 pts., D = 1 pt. Add points, and divide by 5 for your GPA! 3.0 students, don’t forget your parent-signed progress report.
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Hornet update! Saturday School for tomorrow, 10/13/18, is CANCELLED for #GreenJHS.
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Hornet Hive Update: HURRAY! Student Information System is up and running. Progress reports will be sent home today! #GreenJHS #HornetPride #HesdPride Have a great weekend, Green Families!
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: Due to student information system tech difficulties, progress reports will be delayed. We will notify you when progress reports are sent home. Feel free to check Parent/Student connect for current grades. #hesdpride #HornetPride #GreenJHS
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
PTSA will not be meeting today. We will send an update with the rescheduled date. #GreenJHS #GreenPTSA #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Heidi Haines
Check out our latest Green Gear from the Ukulele Club! Sweatshirts are $27 and t-shirts are $13 and available in a variety of sizes and colors. Order here and support the Uke Club: http://5il.co/58x3 #HesdPride #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover
Hornet Hive Update: PTSA Meeting is this Thursday 10/11 in the Library and Skating Plus fundraiser is Friday night. #GreenJHS #HornetPride
over 6 years ago, Amanda Glover