Mrs. Alvarez-Rice
8th Grade Counselor
Mrs. BaƱuelos
6th Grade Counselor
(805) 986-8750
Ext- 1685
Mrs. CastaƱon
7th Grade Counselor
(805) 986-8750
Ext. 1689
Are you having a problem that you can't seem to find a solution to? Do you need someone to talk to?
Call or text 24/7 for help: 805-469-5822
Serving Ventura County youth ages 12 to 17
Here is some information regarding college and career planning. Check out: www.certicc.org
Many people may wonder what a counselor's job is like from day to day. Some people may imagine that a counselor's primary job is focused on schedule changes and working with discipline issues in school. However, today's school counselors are an integral member of the school wide education team. Today's school counselors not only help students reach their highest potential academically, but developmentally on a personal and social level as well. School counselors are also one of the most important facilitators of career development for students. According to the American School Counselor Association, middle school counselors specifically provide...
School Guidance Curriculum
Academic skills support
Organizational, study and test-taking skills
Education in understanding self and others
Coping strategies
Peer relationships and effective social skills
Communication, problem-solving, decision-making and conflict resolution
Career awareness, exploration and planning
Substance abuse education
Multicultural/diversity awareness
Individual Student Planning
Goal-setting/decision making
Student Planning
Academic planning
Career planning
Education in understanding of self, including strengths and weaknesses
Transition planning
Responsive Services
Individual and small group counseling
Individual/family/school crisis intervention
Peer facilitation
System Support
Professional development
Consultation, collaboration and teaming
Program management and operation