Hornets, Girls Volleyball season is here; you will find the schedule of games below.
5 months ago, Green Junior High
6th Grade GVB
7th/8th GVB
Hornet Community, Your student received a copy of the Hueneme Elementary School District 2024-2025 Annual Notice of Parents' Rights and Responsibilities today. Please review it with your student and complete the Acknowledgement of Receipt and Review Page tomorrow, 9/20/24. Thank you for your continued support. Also, tonight, the Counseling Department will host a Family Informational Night.
5 months ago, Green Junior High
Family Informational Night
Hornets, You are cordially invited to the 2024 Back to School Night at E.O. Green JHS on September 26, 2024. The program will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. For more information: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1770910
5 months ago, Green Junior High
back to school night
Event night
back to school night
event schedule
Due to Staff Development Day, School will not be held on Monday, September 16th. It will resume on Tuesday, September 17th, at 8 a.m.
5 months ago, Green Junior High
No School September 16
Hornets, Cheer tryouts will be on 9/19/24. For more information: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1759640
5 months ago, Green Junior High
Cheer Tryouts
Hornet families, Join us this Thursday September 12 at 4:30pm-5:30pm for E.O Greens 1st PTSA meeting for the 2024-25 school year. We hope to see you there.
5 months ago, Gabriel Covarrubias
EO Greens 1st PTSA Meeting.
Join us for EO Greens 1st PTSA meeting for the 2024-25 school year.
Hornets, Join us in the cafeteria on September 17 and 19 for assistance navigating Parent Connect and ParentSquare. Please bring your child and a charged school Chromebook for this event. 5:30 pm-6:00 pm in English Session 6:00 pm -6:30 pm Spanish Session Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
5 months ago, Green Junior High
Family Informational Night
Hornets, The first cheerleading practices will occur in the quad on September 10th and 12th, from 2:45 to 4:00 p.m. For more information: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1751471
5 months ago, Green Junior High
Cheerleading Practices September 10 and 12 from 2:45 to 4:00pm, meet in the quad
Hornets, the monthly E.O. Green Hornet Hive Update is now available for September https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1742818
5 months ago, Green Junior High
Hello September
Hornets, There will be an informational meeting on September 3, 2024, in room 58 at 2:45 pm. https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1739642
6 months ago, Green Junior High
Cheerleading Informational Meeting September 3, 2024 room 58 at 2:45 pm
The Hive Wellness Center Calendar of Events is now available. For more information, visit: https://www.huensd.k12.ca.us/o/green-junior-high/article/1738567
6 months ago, Green Junior High
The Hive Wellness Center Activity Calendar
Hornets, Girls' Volleyball will hold tryouts on Thursday, August 29, and Tuesday, September 3. Student-athletes will meet in the cafeteria after school from 3:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. For more information visit: https://green.hueneme.org/o/green-junior-high/article/1736122
6 months ago, Green Junior High
Girls Volleyball Tryout
E.O. Green Hornet Hive Update for 8/20/2024. https://secure.smore.com/n/e9zrx
6 months ago, Green Junior High
E.O. Green JHS Hornet image with the text EST. 1960
We are looking forward to welcoming our E.O. Green Hornets back to school tomorrow, Aug. 21st! First period begins at 8am, and we have and early dismissal at 1pm. Since it is the first day, students only need to bring their charged Chromebook and writing supplies. See you then!
6 months ago, Green Junior High
welcome back to school hornets. first day is august 21st, 2024
7 months ago, Principal Sanchez
Orientation Week
Orientation W2
Hornet Hive Update: ATTENTION 7TH GRADE PARENTS Your student will be taking the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). This is an important survey that promotes health and wellness among youth and improves the school learning environment. It is voluntary and anonymous. If you are interested in opting out, please click the link. The survey will be administered the week of February 26-March 1. Click this link for additional information: https://bit.ly/48serTA
12 months ago, Green Junior High
Attention Parents of English Learners: Dear families, Summative ELPAC will be taking place during February and March. Thank you for your support in making sure students come to school every day. Students, this is your time to shine!----------------- Atención padres de estudiantes aprendices de inglés: Estimadas familias, los exámenes ELPAC serán administratos durante febrero y marzo. Gracias por su apoyo en asegurarse que los chicos esten en la escuela todos los días. Estudiantes tu oportunidad de brillar esta aquí!
about 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Thank you SALUS Campus Safety Solutions! Our 6th grade students learned about social media and the impact it has on adolescents and their future #greenjhs @EOGreenHornets #hesdpride @HuenemeElemSD
about 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Congratulations to this year’s award winners at Camp Whittier Outdoor School! #greenjhs @EOGreenHornets #hesdpride @HuenemeElemSD
about 1 year ago, Green Junior High
Our 6th grade students made everlasting memories at Camp Whittier Outdoor School! Thank you again to all who made this possible. #greenjhs @EOGreenHornets #hesdpride @HuenemeElemSD
about 1 year ago, Green Junior High