The district has a number of credentialed school nurses who oversee the health needs of the students. They provide medical assistance and training/collaboration with staff and parents regarding the medical needs of students.
Health Office
The Health Office is staffed by a health clerk. The health clerk is certified in first aid and CPR. A credentialed school nurse is assigned to each school. Credentialed school nurses oversee multiple school campuses. Students are required to have a pass from their teacher prior to arriving at the Health Office, passing period included. Exceptions are made for emergencies or severe illness and injury as needed. To ensure safety, students are to check in with the Health Office for all illness-related calls. Students should not use personal cell phones to contact parents directly, unless instructed by school staff.
The Health Office is responsible for:
● First Aid or health concerns
● Sending students home due to illness/injury
● P.E. excuses with a doctor’s note
●Clearing a student to attend class with medical equipment such as: crutches, with a cast, wrap/brace or any other medical support
● Administering medication
● COVID protocols
● Immunization record updates.
Parents should not send children to school with a fever of 100 degrees or higher, vomiting/diarrhea or flu symptoms.
Medication Administration
(While at School)
In compliance with the California Ed code 49423, a written order completed and signed by the doctor and a matching pharmacy label are required for the student to have medication administered while at school. Medication may be administered in the Health Office, ONLY after receiving an Authorization for Medication Form completed by a doctor. This form is available in the Health Office and on the school website. Parents/guardians may administer medication at school if the required form is not submitted. Over the counter medication must be in the unopened original container. Medications in baggies or those that are expired will not be accepted. Prescription medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label stating the student name, date, type of medication, expiration date and directions for use. Emergency medication such as inhalers and Epipens may be carried by students ONLY if authorization from the prescribing physician is documented on the Authorization for Medication Form.
Need for Doctor's Note
After Injury / Medical Device
(While on Campus)
A student returning to school with sling, casts, crutches, brace(s), or a wheelchair must have a licensed health care provider’s written notice of any restrictions or necessary accommodations. We prefer that you use our district's readmission to school with temporary disability or injury form but will accept a doctor’s note as long as it includes the required information. Additionally, the student must have a doctor’s note for any type of medical device ( i.e. Ankle foot orthotic brace (AFOs), heart monitors, helmet, etc.) The note must state which medical device the student needs to wear or use while on campus. The student will be sent home if the required documentation is not provided. The form can be found in the health office or school website. The student must comply with any safety procedures required by the school administration and health services personnel.
A student returning to school following a serious or prolonged illness, injury, surgery, or other hospitalization, must have written permission by a licensed health care provider to return to school, including any recommendations regarding physical activity restrictions. Following an admission to a behavioral health hospital the family must provide the Mental Health Summary for return to school form completed by their mental health provider. A re-entry meeting must be held to plan for the student’s safe return to school.