Our Williams PTA invites you to Movie Night on Friday, 10/27/2023 from 6:00-7:30 PM. We will be showing "Coco" in the school cafeteria. PTA will be selling snacks and raffling prizes at the end of the movie. Families are invited to bring their blankets, pillows and chairs.
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
family movie night
Please remember that ALL PTA fundraiser orders and the corresponding cash payment should be turned in to your child's teacher or the office THIS WEEK. This will give us enough time to process orders so that families can pick up their product orders one week before Thanksgiving Break (the week of November 13). We appreciate your support and cooperation. Thank you, Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
pacific fundraiser
WILLIAMS REMINDER: We'd like to remind all of our families that we need your help to get the yellow Federal Forms returned to school as soon as possible. Please fill out the form, sign/date it and return it to your child's teacher. If it's easier for you, families may also drop the forms off in the office. We appreciate your help in getting this task completed for our district partners...thank you! --Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
WILLIAMS REMINDER: We'd like to thank our families for their continued support of our Williams PTA. We are at about the half-way point of our Fall Fundraiser sales window. We have one more week to go! Please help our Wildcats reach their sales and prize goals. Remember that ALL fundraiser orders and their corresponding cash payment will be due on Monday, October 23rd. This will give us enough time to process the orders and have families pick up their items the week before Thanksgiving Break (week of 11/13/23). Thanks for everything! --Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
PTA Fall Fundraiser
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Please be advised that our team will be busy attending teacher workshops for Staff Development Day this Monday, 10/09/23. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday. We look forward to seeing our Wildcats back in school on Tuesday, 10/10/23. Enjoy your 3-day weekend! --Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
¡Buenas tardes, Comunidad de Williams! Tómese un tiempo para repasar nuestro Boletín para Padres de octubre. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ: https://www.smore.com/zfhs6 Sigan disfrutando de su fin de semana...¡gracias! -Directora Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
Good afternoon, Williams Community! Please take some time to review our October Parent Bulletin. CLICK HERE: https://www.smore.com/en6by Keep enjoying your weekend...thanks! -Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
¡Buenas noches, Wiildcats! Están todos invitados a participar en la Semana de Actividades Contra el Bullying la próxima semana (2-6 de octubre). Lea el calendario de actividades a continuación para repasar las diferentes actividades que hemos planeado para nuestros Wildcats. ¡Gracias por su apoyo y participación! -Directora Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
Prevencion del Bullying
Good evening, Wildcats! You are all invited to participate in next week's Bullying Prevention Spirit Week (October 2-6). Please refer to the Spirit Week calendar below for the different activities we have planned for our Wildcats. Thank you for your support and participation! -Principal Granado
about 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
bullying prevention spirit week
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Invitamos a todas nuestras familias de 1ro a 5to grado a nuestro evento de Noche de Regreso a Clases MAÑANA por la tarde. Nuestras puertas se abrirán a las 5:30 PM para que pueden disfrutar de las ventas de comida, la feria de recursos y la demostración de baile de WildTAPS. Las visitas a los salones serán de 6:00-7:00 PM. Repase el volante para obtener más información.
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
noche de regreso a clases
WILLIAMS REMINDER: We invite all of our 1st-5th grade families to our Back to School Night event TOMORROW evening . Our doors will open at 5:30 PM for you to enjoy the food vendors, resource fair and WildTAPS dance demonstration. Classroom visits will be from 6:00-7:00 PM. Please see the flyer for more info.
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
Back to School Night Flyer
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Please remember that we will be holding our Back to School Night event for grades 1-5 this Thursday, 09/28 from 5:30-7:00 PM. We will have a resource fair, t-shirt sales, WildTAPS dance demonstration, PTA prize wheel, plus the Pizza Man Dan's & Mister Softee trucks will be there selling yummy treats too. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
back to school night
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Recuerden que tenemos programado nuestro evento de Noche de Regreso a Clases para los grados 1-5 este jueves, 09/28 de 5:30-7:00 PM. Tendremos una feria de recursos, venta de camisetas, demostración de baile de WildTAPS, rueda de premios del PTA, además los camiones de Pizza Man Dan's y Mister Softee también estarán allí vendiendo pizza y helados. ¡Esperamos verlos a todos ahí!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
noche de regreso a clases
WILLIAMS NOTE: Our Wildcats have been doing a great job wearing their school uniforms...thank you! As a reward for their hard work, they will now have Free Dress Fun Fridays every week. This means no school uniform TOMORROW, 09/22. Students may wear their favorite colors, blue jeans, team gear, hats and other fun clothing. Remember our BASIC RULES: NO inappropriate language, NO drug, alcohol or gang related gear. No Crocs , open-toe or open-back shoes. No ripped/torn pants or pajamas either. We look forward to seeing your fun styles EVERY FRIDAY!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
Fun Friday
NOTA DE WILLIAMS: Nuestros Wildcats han hecho un gran trabajo trayendo puesto su uniforme escolar... ¡gracias! Como recompensa por su arduo trabajo, ahora tendrán viernes divertidos CADA viernes. Esto significa que no se ocupará el uniforme escolar MAÑANA, 09/22. Los estudiantes pueden usar sus colores favoritos, jeans azules, ropa de equipo, gorras y otra ropa divertida. Recuerde nuestras REGLAS BÁSICAS: NO lenguaje inapropiado, NO logotipos con drogas, alcohol o equipos relacionados con pandillas. No se permiten Crocs, zapatos abiertos de la punta ni de atrás. Tampoco se permiten pijamas ni pantalones rotos. ¡Esperamos ver sus estilos divertidos CADA VIERNES!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
viernes de diversion
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Our Wildcats did great this week! As a reward for their hard work, they earned another Free Dress Fun Friday. This means no uniforms TOMORROW, 09/08. Students may wear their favorite colors, blue jeans, team gear, hats and other fun clothing. Remember our BASIC RULES: NO inappropriate language, NO drug, alcohol or gang related gear. No Crocs , open-toe or open-back shoes. No ripped/torn pants or pajamas either. We look forward to seeing your fun styles tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
Fun Friday
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: ¡Nuestros Wildcats tuvieron otra semana genial! Como recompensa por su arduo trabajo, se han ganado otro VIERNES DE DIVERSION. Esto significa que no ocupan el uniforme escolar MAÑANA, 09/08. Los estudiantes podran traer puestos sus colores favoritos, pantalones de mezclilla, ropa de equipo, gorras y otra ropa divertida. Recuerden nuestras REGLAS BÁSICAS: NADA con lenguaje inapropiado, NADA con drogas, alcohol o relacionado con pandillas. No se permiten Crocs, zapatos abiertos de la punta ni de atrás. Tampoco se permiten pantalones rotos ni pijamas. ¡Esperamos ver todos las modas divertidas mañana!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
viernes de diversion
RECORDATORIO DE WILLIAMS: Nuestra reunión mensual de Cafecito con la Directora se llevará a cabo MAÑANA, el miércoles, 09/06/23. Nos reuniremos de las 8:00-9:00 AM en el salón P2. No se les olvide registrarse en la oficina y obtener su calcomanía de visitante antes de entrar a la escuela. ¡Gracias!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
El Cafecito
WILLIAMS REMINDER: Our monthly Coffee with the Principal meeting will be held TOMORROW, Wednesday, 09/06/23. We will meet from 8:00-9:00 AM in room P2. Don't forget to sign-in at the office and get your visitor sticker before entering our campus. Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats
El Cafecito
Please take some time to review the September Parent Bulletin. CLICK HERE: https://www.smore.com/0yu4k
over 1 year ago, Williams Wildcats