Larsen Families, You are invited to Open Campus 9/11/23 Every first Monday of the month Larsen has a school-wide event called Open Campus where parents, teachers, and students are invited to gather behind the cafeteria by the outdoor stage. The event takes about 15 min. We highlight the Character Counts Pillar of the month (this month is Responsibility, we do AR class recognitions, we do a mindfulness activity, and we invite classes who want to highlight an authentic assessment from an integrated unit, etc. Families will be invited to enter at 8:07AM after all students have ingressed. See you then!
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, Labor Day Holiday - No school on Monday, September 4 2023 Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. The three-day weekend it falls on is called Labor Day Weekend.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, Please click to see our Larsen Uniform Dress policy,
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL ROADRUNNERS! The first day of school 23-24 will be Tuesday , August 22. School starts at 8:07 AM. Dismissal is as follows: M,T,Th,F TK & K 2:07 PM 1st-3rd 2:40 PM 4 th & 5th 2:46 PM Every Wednesday is early dismissal. Dismissal is the following: Tk & K 12:07 PM 1st-3rd 12:07 PM 4th-5th 12:27 PM
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Community, We are happy to announce that our office is now open daily 7:30 - 4:00 PM. and we are taking registrations daily.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Happy summer vacation! School is out of session until August 22. Due to our construction, the office has been relocated to the library. It will open for your service on Wednesday's 7:30-4:00 PM. 7/5/23, 7/12/23, 7/19, 7/26.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
MINIMUM DAY FRIDAY, JUNE 9 2023 Friday, June 9 is a Minimum Day! Dismissal will be at 2:15 for grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Please inform your babysitters.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, Reminder, All kinder students will have early dismissal this week, June 5- June 9 and next week June 12-June 15 at 11:56AM. Friday dismissal will be 11:37AM Please share information with your babysitters. Thank you.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, . Please help your child find all their Library Books and return them to school. They are all due...
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, Join us for the last Open Campus of the year, Monday June 5 at 8:07 AM.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY 05/29/23 - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
ā€‹Larsen Families, We will have early dismissal for Parent Teacher Conferences May 8-May 12, 2023. Please be prompt picking up your child. Dismissal TK - 11:59 Dismissal Kinder 1: 37 Dismissal 1-3 1:15 Dismissal 4-5 1:31 ELOP (Enrichment Learning opportunity Program) afterschool program will be cancelled for the week. ASES will continue regular schedule.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families: Students in grades 3-5 will be participating in CAASPP state testing May 2-19. Please make sure your child gets enough sleep, eats a healthy breakfast and gets to school on time with a fully charged Chromebook computer. Please call our office if you need further information. (805) 986-8740.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
CAASPP  Testing Schedule
Larsen Families, Join us for our School Site Council Meeting Thursday April,27,2023 at 7:00 PM via zoom. Please call the office for the link.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, Join us for our ELAC Committee Meeting, This Thursday, April27,2023 at 6:00 PM via zoom. Please call the office for the link.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
TK and Kinder Parents, Join us for an important meeting Thursday, April 20 at 6:00 PM for your child's classroom placement for next year. See you there...
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Larsen Families, ā€‹School Resumes April 17,2023 I hope you enjoyed your spring break. School resumes tomorrow, Monday April17. Please remember to; get a good night sleep, prepare your uniform, charge your device, be on time and come ready to learn be on timeā€‹. See you then....
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
ā€‹Larsen Families, You are invited to our students Shine Day! Friday, April 14, 2023 , 2:30-3:30PM at Sunkist Elementary
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez
Shine Spring Camp
Larsen Families, Enjoy your Spring Break April 3-April 14 no School Classes will resume Monday, April 17.
over 1 year ago, Evelyn Jimenez