June 14, 2021
Gentle reminders from HBS: Thursday & Friday, ALL students in Grades 1-6 are on campus from 8-10 AM, masks and social distancing in place. Kinder, please check with teacher for y...

June 11, 2021
Let your wildest hairdo fly, Pelicans! Wild Hair Day is officially here! Let your creativity flow and come up with a wacky hairstyle to show your spirit! See the flyer for more in...

June 7, 2021
Ahoy, Pelican Families! Summer's almost here! Gentle reminder: Thurs. 6/17 & Fri., 6/18 1st-6th Graders are on campus from 8-10 AM. Kinder parents, teacher will send you the ...

May 26, 2021
Congrats to our 6th Grade Grads and their families! Promotion will be on Wednesday, June 16, at 9:00 a.m. We are excited to hold this ceremony for our Grads and their famili...

May 10, 2021
Shhh! Can you keep a secret? Let's surprise our amazing HBS Teachers & Staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, which HBS is celebrating from 🍎May 17-21 🍎this year. Please t...

May 3, 2021
Mental Health Awareness is more important than ever! Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week with HBS with fun and helpful activities here: http://bit.ly/beachmentalhealt... In...

April 27, 2021
Hey, Pelicans! Your Picture Day is coming! 📸 On-Campus Pelicans: Monday, May 3 & Tuesday, May 4 during your classtime Hueneme @ Home Pelicans: Monday, May 3 & Tuesday, May 4...

April 23, 2021
Still need a COVID vaccine? We are here to support you! The mobil Vaccine Clinic is coming! See the photo for the Vaccine Clinic info.

April 23, 2021
¿Todavía necesita una vacuna COVID? ¡Estamos aquí para apoyarte! La Clínica de Vacunas de mobil está llegando para las familias y el personal de Hueneme. Vea la foto para ver la i...

March 27, 2021
Masks must be worn at all times (except while eating). Please CLICK HERE for Mask Requirements . Thank you!

March 27, 2021
Need a ride? Click here to view the HBS Bus Schedule for Hybrid Students.

March 25, 2021
May 3 & 4
On-Campus Pelicans: during class;
and Hueneme @ Home Pelicans: 10:30 AM - 3 PM on a drop-by basis, line up outside the Cafete...

March 23, 2021
Hi there, Pelican Families! Welcome home to Hollywood Beach! We know you're as excited as we are, so here is a letter from Principal Haines with all the latest on returning to sch...

March 17, 2021
Welcome Home, HBS Pelicans! We are happy to have you back in the nest! Families, here is a link to our Hybrid Bell Schedule for our return. Please pay special attention to th...
March 15, 2021
Virtual Recess is Back! Here are your March Virtual Recess dates and times for this month. Just choose your grade level, and click the link below!
Grades 1 & 2 - March 16,...

March 11, 2021
Welcome Home, Pelicans! HBS First Day of School: Kinder & 1st on March 29; 2nd through 6th on April 19th. More info soon! 🎉🎉🎉

February 11, 2021
Enjoy a long weekend as we celebrate President Lincoln's Birthday on Friday, February 12, and President Washington's Birthday on Monday, February 15. There is no school on either ...

February 2, 2021
You heard it right, the first edition of The Beachside Times is now in print! (Digitally, that is!) Read up on all the HBS news in our entirely student-produced school newsp...

January 30, 2021
Here's a little tribute for Mrs. Hixon, who we honor during National School Counseling Week. HBS ❤️ Mrs. Hixon! We appreciate her so much! 🤗 Enjoy: https://www.jibjab.com/view/mak...

January 26, 2021
Hi, Pelican Parents! We know you're working hard at home and we want to support you! We are offering a free, virtual parent workshop this Thursday. How to Support Your Child: Soci...