Haycox is a uniform school, and it is important that all students wear a uniform to school. Uniforms can be purchased for a low price at Walmart, Target, Fallas Paredes and many other stores. Shirts and blouses must be white, light blue or navy blue. Students may wear shorts, long pants or skirts, and they must be khaki or navy blue. This is a good time to look for uniforms, which are much less expensive than buying regular clothes! Please make every effort to provide uniforms for your students. Thank you!
En la escuela Haycox todos los estudiantes deben usar uniforme. Los uniformes se pueden comprar a un precio barato en Walmart, Target y Fallas Paredes. Las camisas y blusas deben ser blancas, azul cielo or azul marino. Los pantalones, shorts y faldas deben ser color khaki o azul marino. Esto es buen momento para comprar los uniformes, que son menos costosos que otro tipo de ropa! Por favor, hagan todo esfuerzo para proveer uniformes para sus estudiantes! Muchas gracias!