At Hueneme Elementary School District, our guiding vision is “Inspiring and empowering every student to thrive every day.” We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that every student and family feels valued, supported, and safe within our schools.
We understand that recent concerns about immigration enforcement in the broader community may create uncertainty or fear for some of our families. I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our district’s steadfast dedication to safeguarding the rights, privacy, and well-being of every student.
In alignment with Hueneme Elementary School District Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement, we want to emphasize the following:
Student information is confidential and will not be shared with immigration enforcement authorities unless required by a court order, judicial subpoena, or with parental consent.
Staff are required to notify the Superintendent or Principal immediately if immigration enforcement officers request access to a student, school premises, or school records. No action will be taken without first consulting the district’s legal counsel.
Every student in HESD is entitled to equal educational opportunities and protections from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation, regardless of their immigration status. This is supported by California Education Code and federal law.
The right to a free public education is guaranteed to all children, regardless of their immigration status (Plyler v. Doe, 1982). Additionally, under California law (AB 699), schools are not allowed to ask about or disclose the immigration status of students or their families. These safeguards ensure that all children can access their education without fear.
We also want to remind you of the resources available to support our students and families:
Resource Page for Educators and Families from Ventura County Office of Education
VCOE Spanish Video: Derechos Educativos en California
Radio Indigena Spanish Video: Aplicación de la Ley de Inmigración y Escuelas
At HESD, we are proud to celebrate the diversity of our community, which enriches our schools and inspires us to foster inclusive, supportive, and equitable environments where every student can thrive. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for all our students.
Thank you for your partnership and care as we uphold these commitments.
Dr. Christine Walker, Superintendent